Maybe they teach this kind of behavior is okay at Buffalo Medical school and NYU Langone since Dr Andrew Fagelman in my opinion and evil MD mentions them on his website.
It looks like he removed his plugging viagra for some reason. Why oh why did the NYPD not arrested my attacker and threaten me on behalf of the MD's office and my attacker.
Det John Vergona said this was even steven. Does it look it even steven to you?
Why hasn't Dr Fagelman and all involved been held accountable?
Maybe at Buffalo medical School they teach punching patients, kicking them, ripping out their hair, damaging their retinas is okay because in my opinion this little vile Dr Andrew Fagelman must be pro violence and lies as he keeps Delita Hooks employed. It was like the NYPD and Internal Affairs did him a favor threatening me and coercing me with serious injuries to drop charges.
What a bummer if after my Federal lawsuit against the NYPD and IAB the NYPD finally arrest Dr Andrew Fagelman's violent lying receptionist and office manager Delita Hooks. That could be a bit awkward for Dr Andrew Fagelman who never even inquired via my MD that shared the office if I was okay.
Let's ask NYU langone if this kind of behavior is okay or any medial doctor that isn't in to protecting violation of patient rights and patient's bodies.