Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bronx Fire Death Toll DOB Death Toll so NYDN sells Lie! DOB need to call NYPD in as escort! DOB protects corrupt slum lords, scum lords

The bottom line is the City of NY protects scum lords, slum developers, corruption from contractors to developers.  The DOB inspectors could have gotten the NYPD to escort them and they did not!  Just Mike Bloomberg trying to do more cover-ups for DOB because DOB has so much blood on their hands.  They turn a blind eye because X amount are getting their palms greased and X amount just are not doing their job.   There are good DOB inspectors out there that care but very few and the death toll rises especially under Bloomberg. Christine Quinn gave amnesty to how many developers and landlords with DOB and ECB fines will we are having massive budget cuts.

Why didn’t the news reporters for the NYDN ask DOB spokesperson why DOB Inspectors did not call the NYPD?  Cover-up and damage control by NYC gov and friends at NYDN, nyc gov!  Cathie Black brokered a huge real estate deal for the owner of this newspaper and Mike Bloomberg sold the air rights.  We will never ever get the truth and here a little boy and his parents dies horrific deaths.  Mike wants to close firehouses and cut FDNY while he and his pals grow richer and even more arrogant.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Write Mike Bloomberg and tell him to stop Christine Quinn from the on going abuse of Tax Payer Dollars 600 dollar an hour defense attorneys + Sullivan and Cromwell
Sally Goldenberg NY Post broke this before the election and finally the nypost followed up and revealed it was Quinn who approved spending our money on Sullivan Cromwell.
Read my email to the mayor:

Christine Quinn’s legal bills and her staffs must be posted on nyc gov -- John Liu’s website my check book and Christine Quinn needs to resign. She can’t pay her rent? She gets sued 4 times for back rent yet she approves spending tax payer money to hire Sulllivan and Cromwell - the same firm Goldman Sach hires? Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn have confused tax payers -- the people of New York’s tax dollars with Goldman Sach. Stop the abuse.Resign.