Tuesday, July 26, 2011

SAIC CityTime Mike Bloomberg CityTime SAIC Preet Bharara New YouTube SAIC MTA Jay Walder , The People Want Answers!

No news at all on the CityTime SAIC scandal is good news for SAIC and large naval contracts SAIC just snared!!!!!!!!!!  Yippie but the People of New York demand SAIC admit guilt.

I, Suzannah B. Troy want Preet Bharara to question Jay Walder before he leaves his post as head of the MTA.  If you want to understand why the USA has a multi-trillion dollar deficit than look at the CityTime SAIC deal brought in by Rudy Giuliani and his pal lawyers are lobbyists involved on SAIC and look how Mike Bloomberg and pals pushed SAIC like drug king pins pushing heroin.  Watch my new YouTube and learn how Mike spent the most amount of money on IT Information Technology and a large part was theft, fraud, the fix was in no really competitive bids and this is true for the MTA and NY State from The White House on down so you want to stop raising the roof on trillions of dollars of debt. stop all the corrupt back room dealings and starting putting the People first!!!!!

Look at countless corrupt deals from Board of Ed, 911 Tech System to CityTime in NYC Gov. largest white  collar crime ever exposed and under a third term mayor like Ed Koch and reminder Christine Quinn who wants to be mayor pushed Mike for three terms...the largest white collar crime ever.  Christine Quinn brushed aside two investigations in to CityTime by Tish James and discouraged a third so Quinn, Mike Bloomberg’s mini-me should never ever be mayor of NYC.

Below the latest news on SAIC new big contracts but no news on CityTime and to date SAIC is like Charlie Sheen or Mel Gibson, they do not seem to have to admit guilt and they are guilt as sin.

We want our money back, plus damages x 3 with RICO charges and that starts with arrests Preet Bharara!

"A retired Navy Rear Admiral, Reilly brings more than 34 years of experience to SAIC"
Is it experience of no bid contracts?

No news at all on the CityTime SAIC scandal is good news for SAIC and large naval contracts SAIC just snared!!!!!!!!!!  Yippie but the People of New York demand SAIC admit guilt.

I, Suzannah B. Troy want Preet Bharara to question Jay Walder before he leaves his post as head of the MTA.  If you want to understand why the USA has a multi-trillion dollar deficit than look at the CityTime SAIC deal brought in by Rudy Giuliani and his pal lawyers are lobbyists involved on SAIC and look how Mike Bloomberg and pals pushed SAIC like drug king pins pushing heroin.  Watch my new YouTube and learn how Mike spent the most amount of money on IT Information Technology and a large part was theft, fraud, the fix was in no really competitive bids and this is true for the MTA and NY State from The White House on down so you want to stop raising the roof on trillions of dollars of debt. stop all the corrupt back room dealings and starting putting the People first!!!!!

Look at countless corrupt deals from Board of Ed, 911 Tech System to CityTime in NYC Gov. largest white  collar crime ever exposed and under a third term mayor like Ed Koch and reminder Christine Quinn who wants to be mayor pushed Mike for three terms...the largest white collar crime ever.  Christine Quinn brushed aside two investigations in to CityTime by Tish James and discouraged a third so Quinn, Mike Bloomberg’s mini-me should never ever be mayor of NYC.

Below the latest news on SAIC new big contracts but no news on CityTime and to date SAIC is like Charlie Sheen or Mel Gibson, they do not seem to have to admit guilt and they are guilt as sin.

We want our money back, plus damages x 3 with RICO charges and that starts with arrests Preet Bharara!

"A retired Navy Rear Admiral, Reilly brings more than 34 years of experience to SAIC"
Is it experience of no bid contracts?

SAIC CityTime: What is this not Front Page News? Cover-Ups Continue for SAIC & NYC Gov. Officials

Where are the arrests at City Hall?

Jay Walder before you say Sayonara I want Preet Bharara to ask you and your co-workers what they know about the MTA SAIC deal that almost was.

Rudy Giuliani brought in this scam CityTime to replace a payroll system that city workers created and ran that worked called AutoTime.   Rudy threw it out and brought in CityTime which I dubbed The Tax Payers Titanic!  Rudy brought in SAIC and the rest is history.  CityTime was a lemon and SAIC knew this but billed us obscene amounts of money.  SAIC won the Dwight Eisenhower Award for helping small business specifically sub-contractors and guess what they were stealing as well....it was a hierarchy of theft.

TechnoDyne owner, a major sub-contractor won the Ernst Young award http://www.reuters.com/article/2010/06/29/idUS144663+29-Jun-2010+BW20100629  which I reported way before Jim Dwyer of The New York Times!

Mike Bloomberg said we would get all of the 80 million the Spherion consultants stole back.

Last time I heard anything we had only gotten aprox. 27 million dollars back.

Is Mike going to make up the difference?  
Than there are the Allens who via their company TechnoDyne who mystically and magically were able to get on an airplane to India and vanish....making the third in the ever expanding CityTime (pay roll system fraud) to escape to a country that we do not have an extradition agreement with!  

We have spent more than a billion dollars if you include throwing away payroll systems that worked including Mike Bloomberg in concert with SAIC rushing to expand after Sept. 28 forcing many NYC gov. divisions transfer over to CityTime a system that is not worth the money and will not start saving the City of New York money for at least 100 years.

We want our money back plus damages and RICO charges applied to SAIC who continues to plead ignorance but that is laughable.   SAIC did the same thing to the FBI way before Gerard Denault started working for them.

SAIC has and had auditors and Gerard Denault had bosses!  SAIC knew SAIC was a lemon before Gerard Denault came in to the picture and just look at how the MTA and SAIC aggressively pushed a deal that we fought because it going to be another set-up to gauge the tax payers of NYC.   The MTA, SAIC and NYC gov. made a deal as exposed by Greg Mocker of WPIX that if SAIC went over budget the bill would go to NYC gov.

Preet Bharara have Jay Walder, Mike Bloomberg, Mark Page and Rose Gill Hearn explain that deal along with how a lot more that remains unanswered like Mike Bloomberg and Rose Gill Hearns informercials I call flat out lies that CityTime works!  If so  why is NYC gov looking at new pay roll systems?

Give us our money back plus damages x 3!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Bloomberg Mired In Corruption Protected By Media SAIC CityTime Covered Up More Than Written About

Bloomberg more than protected by the media in sharp contrast to Koch’s 3rd term.

Huffington picked up the Public being barred by NYU and the villager that happened to endorse Christine Quinn, Mike Bloomberg’s puppet and real estate whore. Reminder John Sexton, who earns close to 2 million a year not including perks to over see the most corrupt real estate land grabs and air space deals ran down to testify Mike Bloomberg must have a third term. He backs Quinn as well because they will aid him in continued corrupt destructive land grabs and compensated by the tax payers who don’t want it. Tax payers are even paying for the infrastructure expansion for NYU and Cooper Union and Columbia U although New Yorkers don’t want them crushing their communities. The fix is in!!!

Some opponent Derr turned out to be helping Quinn to beat Kurland. NYU and the villager turned away NY1, City Hall News and seniors not Quinn supporters but all Quinn supporters got in. Go to YouTube type NYU the villager.

Whether it is SAIC or other big contractors where the fix was in as in no competitive bids are considered just like the over all media and ditto for politics like pushing through a 3rd term again with corrupt Christine Quinn making sure the public was denied a referendum with the help of city council corrupt cronies....

sure seems like the fix was in!

They are all kinds of behind the scenes deals that the newspaper/media wanted protected including by their owners.

Here is a short editorial from the Rockway Newspaper called The Wave that compares Koch's corrupt 3rd term with Mike's with mega-historic White Collar crime but the media is not giving him hell. Below also link on website exposing SAIC NYC scandal and includes my newest YouTube.http://m.rockawave.com/node/122713 http://www.evri.com/organization/saic-0x4e87e

Same question applies to Bloomberg and where are arrests City Hall and SAIC. For me - 2 words cover up,

Heard on the street: more law chimes in on SAIC, ....how many times must SAIC get scolded and skirt/twist around laws before being told to cease operations. http://www.natlawreview.com/article/dc-circuit-rejects-collective-knowledge-shines-spotlight-processes n United States v. Science Applications International Corporation, SAIC entered into a contract with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (“NRC”) to provide technical assistance and expert analysis. The contract included strict provisions on conflicts of interest, including a requirement that SAIC seek NRC’s prior written approval if it had reason to believe that a proposed arrangement may raise a conflict of interest. SAIC subsequently entered into two contracts that potentially conflicted with its NRC work. SAIC had a computerized compliance system, but it did not capture all of SAIC’s business relationships and did not adequately associate keywords with descriptions of work. The descriptions were also incomplete. SAIC did not disclose the new contracts to the NRC. The NRC eventually learned about SAIC’s other work from a member of the public and terminated SAIC’s contract. The government then sued SAIC under the False Claims Act. blah...blah...blah then... Contractors would be wise to use every internal investigation, in particular the raft of internal investigations prompted by the mandatory disclosure requirements imposed by FAR 52.203-13, as an opportunity not only to reverse the monetary consequences of improper conduct and to punish those responsible, but to implement internal process improvements designed to prevent a recurrence of the problem. Improvements will not only demonstrate a lack of recklessness, but they will also catch issues before they become FCA concerns.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Bloomberg & Rudy’s Good Pals SAIC Busted! Pentagon Audit on SAIC!!!!!!! How about RICO charges Preet?

Bloomberg & Rudy’s Good Pals SAIC Busted! Pentagon Audit on SAIC!!!!!!! How about RICO charges Preet?

Look hard at Josh Margolin’s article and read the scathing news that confirms my belief that SAIC is guilty of racketeering charges and they were up to abuse/fraud of tax payer money way before Gerard Denault came in to play.  Listen to what I have to say in my YouTube as to why and a reminder the FBI was robbed and raped by SAIC as well before CityTime was brought in by mayor Rudy Giuliani.
Don’t forget the corrupt SAIC MTA that almost was and Peter Powers, Rudy’s best friend and even deputy mayor was the lobbyist for SAIC on that deal.  Another Rudy crony is also a big time lobbyist on CityTime and also the 911 tech system!  Surprise!

Thanks to the law firm that posted this article on why we could apply RICO!!!!!!

Preet Bharara when are we getting arrests at City Hall, SAIC and other sub-contractors not even mentioned in the news yet?  What happen to Jelly Bean referred to in the whistle blowing CNN Ireport?

Jessica Dewberry in front of SAIC asking for our money back pointing out CityTime does not work!!!!

Jessica with other NYC workers last year on the steps of City Hall stating CityTime does not work!!!!

May 27, 2010 with no law degree, business degree I figured out in a couple of hours we should not renew with SAIC and I made my 1st YouTube that said no renewal, we need a full investigation.  I dubbed CityTime the tax payers Titanic!

My dream come true.    Standing in front of SAIC NYC’s offices with my art work, Mayor Bloomberg King of New York, No Third Term, Is Democracy for Sale?” poster and toilet paper post-it that said : Ex-king of OutSourcing demanding 1 billion in damages x 3 for RICO for the People of NYC.

This is the largest White Collar Crime in NYC gov.  ever   and we have the biggest pay-out for NYC tax payers coming our way.................................

unless the 911 System aka ECTP is proven to be a bigger fraud with a 2 billion dollar tax payer price tag!

p.s.  I love this YouTube filmed by Louis Flores because you can see my friend holding up my Mayor Bloomberg King of New York which was and is a brilliant political art poster lampooning Mike Bloomberg that got zero coverage by the media almost like CityTime, the biggest white collar crime has gotten so little notice and so much more the media hesitates to report or just refuses to report!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Jon Bon Jovi Ignorant of NYC Politics Gives Christine Quinn the Most Money possible!

Jon Bon Jovi has no idea that Mike Bloomberg and his mini-me are among the most despised New Yorkers for denying the People of NYC a referendum and selling the lie we needed Mike for a 3rd term to help us with the economy.

Did Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn help you with the economy?

Jon Bon Jovi wake-up.  Christine Quinn sold the great lie we needed Mike Bloomberg to help us with the economy so therefore it was okay to deny us a referendum!  Bon Jovi did Christine Quinn help you with the economy?  She sure did not help the New Yorkers that bought your music and made you so rich but Bon Jovi like Matt Damon is most likely not declaring NYC as his home because he does not want to pay NY taxes!  Why do celebrities that refuse to pay NY taxes support Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn who happen to have the legacy of flushing democracy down the toilet and being embroiled in the largest White Collar Crime in NYC gov. history.  Lucky for Christine Quinn that is not front page news!  She brushed aside 2 investigation by Tish James on CityTime!

The NY Post Slush Abuse! FYI Christine Quinn Ms. Slush & Intimidation!

Seabrook’s case is coming up finally but how many others are guilty of being “slush puppies” and puppies is a kind word.  I can think of another word.
Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn gave slush to city council members that sold their souls and the People of NYC in pursuit of a third term and denied the People of NYC a referendum.    Christine Quinn Ms. Slush and Intimidation...Bloomberg’s puppet is already using slush money to attempt to win Mike’s 4th term with her as mayor.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNNgQX9whKg&feature=youtu.be

By the way, can we have a current total of what is Christine Quinn’s burden to the tax payers for her legal bills and the staff member’s name for those that she approved Sullivan and Cromwell, the same firm Goldman Sach uses and the firm is very high priced and specializes in White Collar Crime.
How about an App and a running ticker on NYC gov website for how much NYC politicians and staff cost tax payers in legal fees?

FYI:  We were told a rumor that Christine Quinn was going to announce she was running for her mayor at this fund raiser for her but she didn’t and maybe that was because she had to sneak in the back door of the hotel where they take out garbage?  

Her community outreach guy Tony Simone from Goldman Sachs...hmmm, what a surprise dropped the F-bomb at protestors honing in on Donny Moss who made the YouTube:  Christine Quinn: Behind the Smile which happens to mention slush fund abuse.

Tony Simone is Christine Quinn’s community outreach guy.  He curses protestors, sure hope he wasn’t on NYC. government time when he did so and maybe his community work involves getting money for Christine Quinn’s campaign which is breaking campaign laws so we sure hope that isn’t so.

Corrupt Christine Quinn 4 mill for war chest but only mayoral candidate with cowardly back door entrance!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDdLBc-d-CQ&sns=em video response. Quinn may lead but only mayoral candidate to sneak in back door used for throwing out garbage than enter front door past protestors including mecat 11 $ fund raiser celebrating Gay Marriage. Quinn is no Harvey Milk. Her nyc gov community out reach guy Tony Simone cursed protestor using F word. Was he on company time? Is that Quinn's idea of community outreach? He hails from Goldman Sachs so he is expert on community or Fbomb?

Did Tony the f bomber get Goldman Sachs to give Quinn gold.

She confuses tax payer money with being an investment bank. Explains her bailing out rich and letting a hospital close in the Wrst Village.

Rudin family big campaign donators.

Is Mitchell Moss working on her campaign or just schilling for NYU and Rudin family his bread and butter?  

Reminder John Sexton a greedy monster real estate magnate head for NYU has crushed our communities and ran down to testify Mike Bloomberg must have a 3rd term and Mitchell Moss, Sexton, Rudin family and even the owners of the newspapers want Mike’s mini-me in office to protect their investments hence expect the same Bloomberg media treatment for Quinn silencing opposition and special treatment and Quinn is a crook.

p.s. Thanks for not asking Mitchell Moss the big time shoveler for Mike Bloomberg and his mini-me Christine Quinn for his insight since he either works on their campaigns or has a vested interest since his bread and butter is NYU and the Rudin family. Check out the video on Quinn entering her own fund raiser at a hotel cowardly thru back door for garbage because she didn’t want to face protestor. Some leader. Figures her F-bombing dropping community outreach nyc gov. worker hails from Goldman Sachs. Rudin, NYU and GS people making donations to protect their interests and that is not the People of NYC but their own greed and Quinn is the perfect puppet. Vote Quinn if u want Mike for a 4th term from the golf course.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/2011/07/13/2011-07-13_one_mighty_war_chest_quinns_4m_leads_mayoral_wannabes.html#ixzz1RyvDyiUv

Monday, July 11, 2011

Christine Quinn Sneaks in to Fund Rasier Gay Marriage Celebration Thru Back Door Tony Simone Ex Goldman Sach Current NYC Gov Quinn-ster Shouts F.CK Donny Moss A Quinn Protestor!

Christine Quinn wash Tony Simone’s mouth out with soap!  Is it appropriate for Christine Quinn’s Community Outreach representative to be shouting F-ck Donny Moss in front of all the protestors and people passing by.

Click on link and scroll down to bottom photo to see Quinn and her F bomb dropping Quin-ster 
Tony Simone!

MONDAY, JULY 11, 2011

Christine Quinn Sneaks in to Fund Rasier Gay Marriage Celebration Thru Back Door Tony Simone Ex Goldman Sach Current NYC Gov Quinn-ster Shouts F.CK Donny Moss A Quinn Protestor!


Wow Tony Simone an ex.. Goldman Sach worker now a Christine Quinn-ster at NYC gov.  better have been off the clock when he dropped the F Bomb and shouted Fu/k Donny Moss as he walked past our long line of protestors!   Quinn did not want to make the perp walk so she snuck in the back way through the entrance for hauling out garbage!  How appropriate since she is selling her self as a gay hero and she is not Harvey Milk.  She is embroiled in slush scandals, she approved Sullivan and Cromwell, the same high priced attorneys specializing in White Collar crime that Goldman Sachs uses.  Maybe Tony Simone suggested them because Quinn approved Sullivan and Cromwell for her staff.

There is Donny Moss and he does effective powerful work unmasking Quinn’s corruption as documented in "Christine Quinn:  Behind the Smile” .    That is Allan Roskoff to the right but he is not a Republican.  He and Donny are holding a “Jim Owles Liberal Democrat” banner.

There I am in my Christine Quinn  Slushgate shirt holding Christine Quinn Slush Fund liar poster.

Dream Downtown 363 West 16th Street Hotel
fund raiser and it was 11 dollars so we joked why didn’t we just pay and go inside.
It was so celebrate marriage equality but low and behold Quinn is not what she appears to be -- she is no gay hero but a corrupt sell-out.

Louis Flores with “Call Me Speaker,
Sell Out
Put Please don’t call me Ma’am!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Krueger No Shame Gay Marriage Speech Finally Forced To Resign? Closeted Corruption


Kruger not resigning..... He should be forced to....

Kruger should be in jail already.....how did so many crooks in Albany and City Hall flourish for so many years?

The NY Post Finally Figures Out Christine Quinn Petty, How about corrupt?

I know some gay people want an openly gay mayor so badly they are willing to vote for a woman who is no leader but a liar and a corrupt politician who sold her soul to developers and sold out The People of New York City because like Anthony Weiner and so many others power corrupts.  Power has gone to Christine Quinn’s head worst than the fake red hair dye she uses.

http://www.youtube.com/user/ChristineQuinnMayor#p/a/u/2/NNNgQX9whKg    Vote for Quinn if you want Mike for a 4th term running the City from the golf course.

Quinn Ms Slush and Intimidation
Mike Bloomberg’s mini-me Chrisine Quinn:

The NY Post finally woke-up!   I call Christine Quinn Ms. Slush and Intimidation.  She is Mike Bloomberg’s mini-me who also thinks she is a ruler and she revealed that when she berated the NYDN reporter demanding she be called Madame Speaker.  Quinn has been sued 4 times for back rent.  She can’t pay her rent on time and she wants to be our next mayor responsible for one of the biggest budgets of a city?  Vallone was one of the biggest recipients of slush money when Mike Bloomberg was bent on stealing a third term and Christine Quinn helped me by selling the lie we needed Mike for a third term to help us with the economy.  Quinn helped her friends big time and now she and her life partner are moving in to a million dollar apt.  How much has Quinn’s parter and pals earnings increased since Quinn came in to office vs. how many more New Yorkers have been forced to leave New York, been evicted, displaced by eminent domain abuse, forced to live without a hospital in Quinn’s own district because the Rudin family bought Quinn.   I am surprised the NY Post did not get a quote from Mitchell Moss from NYU and on the Rudin Family;s payroll as well defending Quinn and Bloomberg who helped to get in office to protect the real estate magnates including NYU that pay him lavishly.  Take a look at Quinn’s list of donors. http://www.councilpedia.org/index.php?title=Christine_Quinn

Here is the Post’s very own exclusive that needs to be updated
http://www.nypost.com/p/news/regional/item_qYLZ6rCJMvOWcs0SncLl4L;jsessionid=16E68287DCE410FAB2FED303A6BE9F5F on Quinn and City Council running through slush money aka tax payer money for high priced lawyers including Sullivan & Cromwell the same firm Goldman Sachs approved by Quinn for her staff.

http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2009/07/12/2009-07-12_some_city_politicians_received_big_campaign_donations_and_tried_to_aid_developer.html  This is brutal and read about Quinn in the last couple of paragraphs.  Was the money returned to the People of NYC, the tax payers since the project was never built?  I don’t think so and she kept the kick backs aka known as campaign donations.

Quinn brushed aside 2 investigations in to CityTime and went on NY1 and lied saying she was on top of CityTime.  No one was on top of CityTime unless it involved aiding and abetting theft and fraud all these years.

Was ironic note.  Vallone was a slush puppy as exposed by NY Post along with Simcha Felder and others who voted for a third term. How ironic Vallone is punished for being anti-Koch naming but it makes dollars and sense because Koch is on Mike Bloomberg’s payroll, Mike’s mayor doll the way Charlie Rose is financially supported by Mike Bloomberg and I call Rose his ken doll.  If you don’t get with the program expect to be punished by Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn.   They even took Tony Avella’s parking permit away but Quinn and supporters in districts far closer than Queens had and have parking permits. Glad the NY Post finally figured out Quinn is petty and based on her rewarding Vito Lopez and his mistresses or girl friends, gal pals what ever...The NY Post has finally figured out Christine Quinn is corrupt finally got it?

FYI:  NY1 and City Hall News  and non-Quinn supporters including seniors shut out of debate between Quinn and her opponents for the city council seat last election.
NYU and The Villager turned away a handicap man, a senior citizen and a man of color repeatedly until my threats of putting them on YouTube combined with Norman Seigel and other community member out cries finally got NYU and The Villager hosting the Christine Quinn debate to allow him in but the did keep out NY1 who The Villager feared would be a rival since The Villager wanted exclusive video rights and The Villager and NYU backed Quinn and want her for mayor so they turned away City Hall news and many seniors who stood on line who were not Quinn supporters but all of Christine Quinn’s supporters and her staff members got in.  Pure corruption backed by NYU and The Villager and it was not democracy but the illusion of democracy.  http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=41EB928960389EE7

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Joe Tacopina Hell Bound Chad Seigel Mr. Venus Fly Trap Chad Seigel Calls Brave Woman who Fingers the NYPD Rape Cop as we as the Rape Victim as Sour Grapes -- was the fix in?

Rewind:  The NYPD Rape cops were in her bed and on her couch but the NYPD did not find one piece of DNA, not one strand of their hair...nothing.....like the NYPD ticket fix scandal and to date we never got the name of one person at City Hall that got their tickets fixed......was their a DNA fix.

Was the fix in....


How could Imette St. Guillen’s Mom or Annie Le’s Mom let the vile creatures posing as lawyers -- if your daughters had lived Joe Hell Bound Tacopina and Chad Venus Fly Trap Seigel could have treated your daughters lower than dirt!

The NYPD Rape Cop trial is the OJ Trial minus two dead bodies that were practically decapitated. Justice will be served after the trial whether Judge Greg Carro does the right thin or not. A full mistrial and a re-trial or send them to jail for the maximum. A retrial would put these guys behind bars.

Joe Hell Bound Tacopina and Chad Venus Fly Trap Seigel are hated and people are just waiting for justice to be served because people believe what goes around comes around.

Joe Hell Bound Tacopina  and Chad Venus Fly Trap Seigel won’t be lonely in Hell!   They can defend NYPD Rape Cop Moreno for an eternity like a modern version of  Sisyphus!   That would be justice!!!!!!

Mike Bloomberg SAIC CityTime Phony Huff Fluff Reality SAIC Stock drops and City Hall Cover-ups continue

Fly on the wall had it first when I heard but couldn’t get to a computer....  http://www.theflyonthewall.com/permalinks/entry.php/SAIid1453087/SAI-SAIC-downgraded-at-Susquehanna

The press, NYC gov, SAIC cover ups but some where some how not everyone playing deaf and dumb.... unlike NYC gov and the story the media is not telling.

2 new tubes coming shortly...

The 2nd YouTube is huge and and

The 2nd YouTube is huge and and 6 and half minutes long and gets into major corruption asking who was Gerard Denault’s boss at SAIC.  Where were SAIC and NYC gov’s auditors and accountants all these years along with DOI.  What do Christine Quinn, Bill Thompson, Mark Page, Patricia Harris, even Patricia’s step son the head of IT and her husband appointed to the Board of the MTA along with Mark Page by Mike Bloomberg so they must have weighed in (as in pushed it for Mike who acted like SAIC was heroin and he was SAIC’s drug king pin) on the SAIC MTA deal --what do they have to say about SAIC ballooning 700 million over budget?

I get in to my video footage of deputy mayor Stephen Goldsmith his 1st morning here in NYC on the job and I film Liz Holzman standing by him.   Was she standing so close to lobby for SAIC.  I get in to the lobbyists.

Below the 1st tube I made today where  I stop a random New Yorker and ask her if she knows about CityTime the largest white collar crime so far in NYC and under Mike Bloomberg who with Christine Quinn’s help sold the idea we needed Mike to help us with the economy.  I ask Carol is Mike and Christine have helped her and the People of New York with the economy and about what she knows about CityTime.

CityTime SAIC Breaking News From Friday SAIC Quietly Files 2nd 8k + Removes CityTime Website

Watch my 2 new holiday YouTubes about White Collar Crime NYC Gov City Hall SAIC CityTime


don’t forget to read about NYC corrupt politics and it is hard to keep up to date...


Christine Quinn lied on NY1 and said she was on top of CityTime. She brushed aside 2 investigation brought by Council woman Tish James and Bill Thompson as well as Mike Bloomberg, Dept of Investigation and Mark Page, Joel Bondy’s boss all dropped the ball shutting down was in turning in to the largest white collar crime in NYC gov. history so Quinn and Thompson should just not run for mayor at all and count their lucky stars they are not going to jail. Scott Stringer just does not have what it takes to be a mayor and I call him the tax payer’s black hole although Christine Quinn is worse because she thinks the tax payers are her personal investment bank. She approved hiring Sullivan & Cromwell for her staff the same firm Goldman Sach uses. Why does Christine Quinn and her staff need high priced defense attorneys that specialize in White Collar crime? Sounds awful slushy to me.

Oh don’t forget Albany, Pedro Espada and Kruger who was the last senator to speak on marriage equality and dared to use the word “integrity” when he is indicted for stealing and lying and in my opinion is likely to go to jail so from Albany to City Hall the People of NYC  have been robbed and raped.

More on Christine Quinn, City Council Slush and Vito Lopez...

Christine Quinn Slush Vito Lopez & Gal Pals, Larry Seabrook in Trouble Again

Christine Quinn Ms. Slush and Intimidation

Does Quinn use slush money to buy votes for her mayoral run?

Christine Quinn in the Slush  http://nymag.com/news/politics/46821/

We know Larry Seabrook’s has a court date coming up very soon but what happen to the NYC Council Slush Fund investigation.   The tax payers are being forced to pay very expensive bills for Christine Quinn’s high priced defense attorney and her staffs for which she approved the same law firm that specializes in White Collar Crime that Goldman Sach uses Sullivan and Cromwell so does that mean Christine Quinn thinks tax payers are her own personal investment bank?

read this post on CityTime SAIC, Christine Quinn and race for mayor...

Larry Seabrook in trouble again...

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Mike Bloomberg Rose Gill Hearn, SAIC Removes CityTime Website! Are Mike & Rose Make False Claims that CityTime Works Interfering with the Tax Payer’s Right To Ask for more than 600 million from SAIC?

SUNDAY, JULY 3, 2011

Mike Bloomberg Rose Gill Hearn, SAIC Removes CityTime Website! Are Mike & Rose Make False Claims that CityTime Works Interfering with the Tax Payer’s Right To Ask for more than 600 million from SAIC?

Reminder SAIC quietly filed their 2nd 8K Friday with the commencement of the July 4th Weekend another exclusive from this blog so credit me if you use my work...thank you.

Why oh why would Mike Bloomberg tell The Wall Street Journal and on the very same day Rose Gill Hearn did an informercial for CityTime system works unless they work for SAIC and do not serve the People of NYC.  Just joking, well sort of but why would the head of Dept. of Investigation Rose be doing that and why didn’t NY1 ask her when she was 1st alerted to CityTime?  Didn’t she read Richard Valcich’s letter, didn’t Mike Bloomberg, didn’t Bill Thompson so why didn’t they call for a halt almost a decade ago?

Why would Mike and Rose still be pushing CityTime.... why would they do that?   Why no arrests at City Hall and who was pushing SAIC and CityTime like it was crack cocaine?

http://www.nypostonline.com/p/news/local/mike_citytime_up_now_we_re_taking_U2Yx0eiWFX0kXWYwWmNq9O  Read last few paragraphs...sound like CityTime systems do not work and we are going to be forced to throw out this Tax Payer’s Titanic that Rudy gave us and Mike let get so far out of control it is sickening and FYI Rudy’s best friend the lobbyist or was since our State Comptroller has put the kibosh on state and city contracts with SAIC.

Astounding this is not front page news and that every New Yorker does not know about this epic crime and fraud -- the biggest in NYC gov history and perhaps the biggest pay back in restitution and damages and don’t forget the 911 Tech System, 2  billion is rumored to be mired in fraud and a flawed as well.

Christine Quinn Ms. Slush and Intimidation slush gang of city council members  helps out Vito Lopez and his girlfriend....read in the NY Post and reminder Larry Seabrook has a court date coming up in a few months.... but why aren’t there more arrests and successful prosecution of slush money and tax payer abuse from Albany to City Hall?

