Saturday, May 31, 2014

May 31, 2012 John Liu Called For a Criminal Investigation on 911 Know We know NYPD Chief Dowd took gifts from Contractor Verizon

May 31, 2012 John Liu Called For a Criminal Investigation on 911 Now We Know NYPD Chief Dowd took gifts from Contractor Verizon

Where is our criminal investigation all these years it's been obvious we need one simple math....

I guess city Council aren't the brightest light bulbs or is it that they're trying to protect the fact that they dropped the ball..  Majority of city council (almost) as guilty as Mike Bloomberg and Ray Kelly but when the truth finally comes out they will  blame Bloomberg and Kelly when city Council could've stopped this years ago.  

Reminder Christine Quinn brushed aside two investigations into SAIC (CityTime Scandal) with the majority of city councils help. 

The media is treating this the way they treated Mike Bloomberg pushing through an illegal third term -- the media did not want to report that Bloomberg might not win do to voter anger --  only I reported that 6 months before!

A few hours before the election voting booths were about to close, the media was forced to go off script and report the truth; Mike Bloomberg might not win.  He did win but just barely.  I had been reporting for over half a year that Bloomberg might not win and I predicted Christine Quinn would not win despite all the media as a block endorsing her.  

Media is protecting Mike Bloomberg Team Bloomberg Rose Gill Hearn Chris Quinn and the majority of city Council chilling the news on the fact we need a criminal investigation is city council still is not calling for one.  Investigative journalism is dead...

How many press conferences did I yell down Mike Bloomberg about 911 and the press did not even question him about why I was yelling 1 billion dollars over budget 911 does not work properly. I called every agency etc. could think of for help including FBI August 20, 2012 just before I stumbled on a press conference and yelled down mayor Bloomberg.   

City 911 Call System will Undergo Two Reviews, Officials Say

911 calls reveal confusion about address in Staten Island fire that seriously injured nun

Suzannah B. Troy artist: NYPD Held Board Meetings For FirstNet 1 Police Plaza My Exclusive as Chief Dowd Scandal Unfolds

(Chief Dowd appointed by Ray Kelly even though he was not qualified took gifts from Verizon the contractor named in the audit along with HP and NG.   The New York daily news exposed Dowd was taking gifts and he was among the group of NYPD officers taking gifts.   The Wall Street Journal exposed that Ray Kelly was taking gifts free rides for him and his wife on Mayor Bloomberg's private jet.    In my lawsuit against the New York Police Department and internal affairs I state retaliation including on behalf of contractors like HP, SAIC, Ray Kelly and. Michael Bloomberg.)

NYPD Ray Kelly Kept Chief Dowd Head of 911 Tech Over a Decade as Cy Vance protected 911 Corruption and the Bloomberg Administration?

May 31, 2012 2 year anniversary of John Liu's press release that  Scott Stringer removed Jan 2014 calling for a criminal investigation in to contractors HP, Verizon and Northrop Grumman allegedly over billing -- since than we have learned NYPD Chief Dowd and other NYPD took gifts from VERIZON and Dowd hosted a board meeting at FristNet and sits on the board of FirstNet. 

 Are you kidding me! I can't make it today to testify today  but I testified last year and had a run in with the infamous NYPD Chief Dowd who refused to take my written testimony, my request for Mark Carson's ambulance ride response time, and an NYPD FOIL that shows an ambulance went to the wrong address for a 75 year old man that tried to testify we need a hospital not Rudin luxury condos but Chris Quinn locked out her community in the freezing cold. Nothing has changed STILL NO DEMAND FOR A CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION AND WHY? ASK CITY COUNCIL ALL THESE YEARS AND NO DEMAND BY CITY COUNCIL FOR AN INVESTIGATION! THIS IS BIGGER THAN CITYTIME! 911 Tech Corrupt City Council No Call Criminal Investigation 2014!

I have me yelling down Bloomberg at the New School and The NY Times and no one in the press has challenged Mike Bloomberg and Ray Kelly on 911 even now with the Chief Dowd scandal so I am asking if Ray Kelly's friends in the media are protecting him and Bloomberg?

hardee har har....

I am suing in Federal Court and I allege the NYPD IAB NYC Gov retaliated against me for being a whistle blower.

Thanks and gratitude for making a difference.  
please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD and IAB thank you. 

The NYPD an internal affairs fix crime in my opinion based on my own experience.

Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Violence Lies New bad Yelp Review Not ADay @ The Beach!

Friday, May 30, 2014

911 Tech Corrupt City Council No Call Criminal Investigation 2014!

May 31, 2012 tomorrow 2 year anniversary of John Liu's press release that  Scott Stringer removed Jan 2014 calling for a criminal investigation in to contractors HP, Verizon and Northrop Grumman allegedly over billing -- since than we have learned Chief Dowd and other NYPD took gifts from VERIZON and Dowd hosted a board meeting at FristNet and sits on the board of FirstNet.

 Are you kidding me! I can't make it today to testify today  but I testified last year and had a run in with the infamous Chief Dowd who refused to take my written testimony, my request for Mark Carson's ambulance ride response time, and an NYPD FOIL that shows an ambulance went to the wrong address for a 75 year old man that tried to testify we need a hospital not Rudin luxury condos but Chris Quinn locked out her community in the freezing cold. Nothing has changed STILL NO DEMAND FOR A CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION AND WHY? ASK CITY COUNCIL ALL THESE YEARS AND NO DEMAND BY CITY COUNCIL FOR AN INVESTIGATION! THIS IS BIGGER THAN CITYTIME! 911 Tech Corrupt City Council No Call Criminal Investigation 2014!

I have me yelling down Bloomberg at the New School and The NY Times and no one in the press has challenged Mike Bloomberg and Ray Kelly on 911 even now with the Chief Dowd scandal so I am asking if Ray Kelly's friends in the media are protecting him and Bloomberg?

hardee har har....

I am suing in Federal Court and I allege the NYPD IAB NYC Gov retaliated against me for being a whistle blower.

Thanks and gratitude for making a difference.  
please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD and IAB thank you. 

The NYPD an internal affairs fix crime in my opinion based on my own experience.

Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Violence Lies New bad Yelp Review Not ADay @ The Beach!

911 Tech Corrupt City Council No Call Criminal Investigation 2014!

May 31, 2012 tomorrow 2 year anniversary of John Liu's press release that  Scott Stringer removed Jan 2014 calling for a criminal investigation in to contractors HP, Verizon and Northrop Grumman allegedly over billing -- since than we have learned Chief Dowd and other NYPD took gifts from VERIZON and Dowd hosted a board meeting at FristNet and sits on the board of FirstNet.

 Are you kidding me! I can't make it today to testify today  but I testified last year and had a run in with the infamous Chief Dowd who refused to take my written testimony, my request for Mark Carson's ambulance ride response time, and an NYPD FOIL that shows an ambulance went to the wrong address for a 75 year old man that tried to testify we need a hospital not Rudin luxury condos but Chris Quinn locked out her community in the freezing cold. Nothing has changed STILL NO DEMAND FOR A CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION AND WHY? ASK CITY COUNCIL ALL THESE YEARS AND NO DEMAND BY CITY COUNCIL FOR AN INVESTIGATION! THIS IS BIGGER THAN CITYTIME! 911 Tech Corrupt City Council No Call Criminal Investigation 2014!

I have me yelling down Bloomberg at the New School and The NY Times and no one in the press has challenged Mike Bloomberg and Ray Kelly on 911 even now with the Chief Dowd scandal so I am asking if Ray Kelly's friends in the media are protecting him and Bloomberg?

hardee har har....

I am suing in Federal Court and I allege the NYPD IAB NYC Gov retaliated against me for being a whistle blower.

Thanks and gratitude for making a difference.  
please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD and IAB thank you. 

The NYPD an internal affairs fix crime in my opinion based on my own experience.

Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Violence Lies New bad Yelp Review Not ADay @ The Beach!

NYC Gov 911 Corruption NYPD Verizon Gifts FirstNet

FDNY Union demands changes to 911!!!!   Fire Union like me fighting 911 Tech Mess for years!

You can see me on YouTube yelling mayor Bloomberg down at a press conference on CityTime and 911. I slam to my 911 and he said to the press of you want to ask him a question about my yell down go ahead no one asked him!!!!

AG Public Integrity Unit Has my Complaint re: AG Investigative Unit not investigating Cy Vance 911, St Vincent's Hospital and Turning Me Away When I tried to directly report Delita hooks attacked me and NYPD did not bring them case along with her false cross complaint

Reminder May 31, 2012 John Liu called for a criminal investigation in to 911 tech corruption and posted the press release on the NYC Gov Comptroller's website which Scott Stringer who helped Mike Bloomberg push thru an illegal 3rd term and Rudin Family Greed to replace St Vincent's Hospital with Rudin Blood Condos--Scott Stringer removed Liu's press release calling for a criminal investigation in to 911 in January 2014 as soon as he came in to power.  Did George Artz thank him since he was a lobbyist for HP who I was told was over billing from the beginning like SAIC on CityTime. 

Preet Bharara defended Team Bloomberg and Top brass SAIC so there is little hope we will get a criminal investigation.  

911 Tech Corruption Reminder Scott Stringer Removed John Liu 's request 911 Criminal Investigation

I am the only one to expose the fact Mr Bratton and NYPD Chief Dowd hosted a board meeting for FirstNet at One Police Plaza.  Am I  going to read my exclusive in the New York daily news?

Also Ray Kelly appointed chief Dowd head of 911 tech for over a decade!!!

Ray Kelly wanted a yes man who didn't know anything about technology -- ditto FirstNet.  Ditto Verizon gave Dowd and other NYPD Officer's gifts and Verizon is a contractor for 911 and FirstNet.  

Verizon's top guy on the board of FirstNet is forced to resign from the board.  

In my lawsuit against the NYPD and Ray Kelly I explained that the police department and internal affairs are retaliating against me being a whistleblower.   Do the math.  

911 Cy Vance protected Bloomberg, Team Bloomberg, Contractors,  consultants some that are retired NYPD, George Arzt, Mark Page, Patti Harris, Rose Gill Hearn etc.????

More important it's to protect the politically connected  it than the People of New York City.

NYPD Knapp Mollen Time for a New Commission: NYPD Ray Kelly Kept Chief Dowd Head of 911 Tech Over a Decade as Cy Vance protected 911 Corruption and the Bloomberg Administration?

Suzannah Troy's Exclusive Mr Dowd Mr Bratton Hosted FirstNet Board Meeting one Police Plaza (Reporting this means what, a second lawsuit and that I'll never get justice because I dare to report NYPD posting board meetings?)
Thanks and gratitude for making a difference.  
please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD and IAB thank you. 

The NYPD an internal affairs fix crime in my opinion based on my own experience.

Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Violence Lies New bad Yelp Review Not ADay @ The Beach!

Suing NYPD Hope to Sue Dr Andrew Fagelman Soho

In my opinion Dr Andrew Fagelman violated his Hippocratic Oath (NYPD repeatedly violated my Constitutional Rights- suing the NYPD - hope to sue MD before 3 yr time frame runs out)  and us a sick man for even putting a ticking bomb the anger management problems at the front desk but worse after Delita Hooks repeatedly violated my patient rights and then attacked Dr Andrew Fagelman is in my opinion such a terrible evil creep he did not fire her.  She couldn't get away without Starbucks!

Who gets to repeatedly violate a patient rights and than repeatedly violate a patient's
body -- my hand/iphone, my face permanently damaging my eye, ripping out  my
earring, grabbing my hair ripping out my hair with the goal to drag my down the hall
and place her bare foot against my vaginal area and LIE ABOUT  it all including to her
NYPD helpers who sealed her false cross complaint instead of bringing it
to the DA and they threatened me with it first insisting I wait until 20 days
later for a arrest on Saturday at 4pm unless I dropped the charges?

Delita Hooks.

Thanks and gratitude to a mosaic of People all colors and backgrounds male and female who helped me obtain just a little bit of Justice via YouTube aka YouTubeland helping me break  22,000 views to shame Dr Andrew Fagelman who ignored how many yelp reviews regarding his staff and I paid the price with a hole in my retina and permanent damage to my eye and my neck.

Than I went to the NYPD and took 20 days to commit the crime of COERCION.

Coercion is a crime not a policing tool.

Internal Affair also turned out to be corrupt as well so thanks and gratitude.

I believe the NYPD via YouTube posted a comment telling me my lawsuit against them would go no where -- the same words I heard when I tried to report the savage attack.

Well the lawsuit is now past the 9 month mark so what ever the Judge rules it has gone some where and there is a Federal record of what was done to me and via their lawyer I got more incriminating evidence including NYPD DOCUMENTS which are fabrication and from NYPD officers that NEVER MET WITH ME!!!!!!!!

The NYPD prevented me from reporting an alleged HATE crime by the detective that was supposed to investigate my case Det John Vergona pre- lawsuit, also they prevented me from reporting the false cross-complaint - I have audio proof which contradicts what the New York Police Department's lawyer stated to me on the phone attempting to defend her client Sgt Chen.  I have audio of IAB Sgt Mary O'Donnell stating case closed.  FYI the case is open.  I have NYPD documents that prove Det Vergona and Lt Burgos lied about me.  Lt Burgos never even contacted me refuse to answer emails asking for BADGE numbers and I sent the email to him to Mr Kelly, Mr Esposito, Mr Campisi and Mr Ed Winski.

Lt Agnes never contacted me.  Reported my allegations unfounded and he is from "the integrity bureau. 

I have more and will get more evidence if I get subponea power. 

Before I was attacked -  note all the bags and FYI my arm was numb with 2 injections in my elbow as well as I held my phone as she repeatedly attacked me.

Det Vergona asked me why did you walk by her.  

I responded if you kept your word and went to the office as he said she would know she sits at the very front of a long closed off  desk....

MD Office Violence NYPD Coercion YouTubeland Justice Delita Hooks Attacks Me a Patient 22,000 Views

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Patricia Chamless Mentally Ill Cyber Stalker or her Identity Stolen to Blame a Victim of Dr Andrew Fagelman and Delita Hooks

Patricia Chamless Mentally Ill Cyber Stalker or her Identity Stolen to Blame a Victim of Dr Andrew Fagelman and Delita Hooks  --- this is the 2nd YouTube account today--- I am today harassing...not with the same message but it appears defending Dr Fagelman for not firing Delita Hooks violent lying behavior which in my opinion suggests Patricia is that is her real name is mentally sick along with the guy who harassed me earlier today because there is no reason EVER to abuse a patient, violate their rights, violate a patient's body repeatedly and than lie and blame the patient.  How can any sane person blame the victim?  You have to be as crazy nuts as Delita Hooks and Dr fagelman in my opinion.


Wow. I cannot imagine what you did to make that perfectly nice lady so mad - she's always been very sweet to me when I've been in the office, and I'm extremely pleased with the care I've received and the respect I've been shown by Dr. Fagelman and his staff. Quite jarring to come across something like this that's so clearly the personal vendetta of an unstable person when Googling to find Dr. Fagelman's ZocDoc listing. Seems like you should get a life/some mental help/a hobby and leave these good people in peace. 

n case you are not Patricia or even if you are I contacted a place of employment listed on your linked into to either alert the real Patricia her identity is being used in an abusive manner or to alert one of her employers of this abuse.  A YouTube account "Patricia Charmless" harassed me tonight re: being savagely assaulted at Dr Andrew Fagelman's Dr. Fagelman Assault Receptionist Delita Hooks Attacks Patient False Cross Complaint NYPD Fixed!  If is was the real Patricia Charmless u should know she defends Delita Hooks violating my patient rights coming out from behind a closed off reception desk violent my body a running punch to my eye making a hole in my retina and damaging my cervical spine.  If it isn't the real Patricia Charmless she may want to contact YouTube because someone is using her name to insult me and harass me a victim of a violent CRIME at Dr Fagelman's at 155 Spring Street and the day after me Delita Hooks committed a 2nd crime of a false cross complaint.
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911 Tech Corruption Reminder Scott Stringer Removed John Liu 's request 911 Criminal Investigation

911 Tech Corruption Reminder Scott Stringer Removed John Liu 's request 911 Criminal Investigation

Reminder Scott Stringer removed John Liu's press release May 31, 2012 calling for a criminal investigation in to 911 tech contractors over billing.  Did Scott stringer do this as a favor for George Fartz oops Artz, Mike Bloomberg, Rose Gill Hearn, Ray Kelly and Cy Vance who refused to give us a real investigation?

Twitter / PIXScott: @scottmstringer @PIX11 @PIXScott ...
Feb 16, 2014 - ... why he removed John Liu's pres release May 312012 calling for .... @PIXScott @scottmstringer @PIX11 Why did Scott Stringer remove Liu's press release May 312012 calling for ...
Thanks and gratitude for making a difference.  
please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD and IAB thank you. 

The NYPD an internal affairs fix crime in my opinion based on my own experience.

Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Violence Lies New bad Yelp Review Not ADay @ The Beach!

911 Tech Corruption Reminder Scott Stringer Removed John Liu 's request 911 Criminal Investigation

911 Tech Corruption Reminder Scott Stringer Removed John Liu 's request 911 Criminal Investigation

Reminder Scott Stringer removed John Liu's press release May 31, 2012 calling for a criminal investigation in to 911 tech contractors over billing.  Did Scott stringer do this as a favor for George Fartz oops Artz, Mike Bloomberg, Rose Gill Hearn, Ray Kelly and Cy Vance who refused to give us a real investigation?

Twitter / PIXScott: @scottmstringer @PIX11 @PIXScott ...
Feb 16, 2014 - ... why he removed John Liu's pres release May 312012 calling for .... @PIXScott @scottmstringer @PIX11 Why did Scott Stringer remove Liu's press release May 312012 calling for ...
Thanks and gratitude for making a difference.  
please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD and IAB thank you. 

The NYPD an internal affairs fix crime in my opinion based on my own experience.

Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Violence Lies New bad Yelp Review Not ADay @ The Beach!

911 Tech Corruption Reminder Scott Stringer Removed John Liu 's request 911 Criminal Investigation

911 Tech Corruption Reminder Scott Stringer Removed John Liu 's request 911 Criminal Investigation

Reminder Scott Stringer removed John Liu's press release May 31, 2012 calling for a criminal investigation in to 911 tech contractors over billing.  Did Scott stringer do this as a favor for George Fartz oops Artz, Mike Bloomberg, Rose Gill Hearn, Ray Kelly and Cy Vance who refused to give us a real investigation?

Twitter / PIXScott: @scottmstringer @PIX11 @PIXScott ...
Feb 16, 2014 - ... why he removed John Liu's pres release May 312012 calling for .... @PIXScott @scottmstringer @PIX11 Why did Scott Stringer remove Liu's press release May 312012 calling for ...
Thanks and gratitude for making a difference.  
please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD and IAB thank you. 

The NYPD an internal affairs fix crime in my opinion based on my own experience.

Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Violence Lies New bad Yelp Review Not ADay @ The Beach!

Dr Fagelman Patient tells me about Special Treatment has Dr F gone outof his way for the NYPD hence NYPD Fixed it?

Note a guy names Seth Wolkoff contacted me and that his his name but he is not the crazy idiot coward using the sock puppet account "Ryan Bronz".    Below is the guy that called him self Ryan and than Seth.

This is the photo from the YouTube channel of Ryan Bronz who repeatedly came to my channel and blamed me and identified himself as Seth Wolkoff.

Is there more than one Seth Wolkoff in NY?

Dr Fagelman has a patient using a sock puppet account Ryan Bronz who says his real name is Seth Wolkoff.   I was attacked a running punch to my head and this Ryan caused me even more suffering and pain blaming me and praising the MD when in fact Delita hooks should never have come out from behind the long reception desk after telling me I had no rights.  Did Dr Andrew Fugleman not train her and teach her on how to treat patients and about the not violating their patient rights as well as repeatedly violating their body like she did mine.  What is wrong with  Dr Fagelman and Ryan Bronz who identified himself as Seth Wolkoff to blame me?
March 11, 2015 I get an email this morning and it must be from another Seth Wolkoff so there are two?  I added a photo from the account that blamed me and defended the indefensible.

Seth Wolkoff aka Ryan Bronz used this sock puppet account on YouTube he created this summer when he had too much time on his hands?
Dr Fagelman is it okay to punch another doctor's patient and than lie about it in a false cross complaint blaming the victim.  How sick is that and how can an MD or a medical patient blame another patient for violence and lies by Delita Hooks a violent lying receptionist office manager who should never have been behind that front desk with that kind of anger.  She repeatedly violated my patient rights and than my body and this guy blames me and states his real name is Seth Wolkoff so why isn't he using his real name with this photo?

This is the YouTube channel and here is the photo of a man that uses the account Ryan Bronz that blamed me for the savage attack and said Dr Fagelman goes out of his way for him so it's my fault blamed me, trashed me..

This is the photo from the YouTube channel of Ryan Bronz who repeatedly came to my channel and blamed me and identified himself as Seth Wolkoff.
Is more than one Seth Wolkoff in NY. Dr Fagelman's patient Seth Wolkoff defends Delita Hooks repeatedly violation of my patient rights and my body and Dr F not firing the violent liar because Dr Fagelman has gone out of his way for him so I question has Dr Fagelman gone out of his way  for the NYPD and or Internal Affairs?  The case is open because I am suing so it wasn't as easy as it normal is for the NYPD to play judge and jury like this twisted patient in my opinion defending the indefensible but maybe Seth gives us a little insight to how the NYPD IAB work -- go out of your way for them and they will go out of their way for you like they did for Dr Fagelman because the NYPD and IAB did do Dr Andrew Fagelman a favor since he did not fire his violent lying receptionist office manager Delita Hooks.

I am just trying to understand why the NYPD did Dr Fagelman a favor because they did since Dr Andrew Fagelman did not fire his violent lying receptionist for repeatedly violating my patient rights and my body.  She lied to the NYPD and I wonder did she do so with his blessing because the video clearly proves she is a liar.

Dear Internal Affairs:

This guy Seth talks about how specially he's treated my question is how are the NYPD officers that see Dr. Fagelman  treated?  

My best guess is there's fixing in favors.

Besides retaliating against me for being a whistle blower my best guess Dr F made phone calls.  

Apparently I'm considered so obnoxious that it's okay to beat me.  Read Seth's comment.  

Like the early stages in Nazi Germany or down south during apartheid but if I was Black I'm not even allowed to get in the back of the bus. 

Internal affairs did their job not at this would be going on is the NYPD an internal affairs fault that I continue to be harassed because they have not called for my tacker to be arrested and the cop that threatened me and coerced me.
Thanks and gratitude for making a difference.  
please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD and IAB thank you. 

The NYPD an internal affairs fix crime in my opinion based on my own experience.

Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Violence Lies New bad Yelp Review Not ADay @ The Beach!

Dr Fagelman Patient tells me about Special Treatment has Dr F gone outof his way for the NYPD hence NYPD Fixed it?   Seth Wolkoff uses a sock puppet account he created this summer called Ryan Bronz.

These are my opinions and click here to read it without the cropping:

Seth Wolkoff aka Ryan Bronz used this sock puppet  opened this summer.... 

Click here to see a picture of Seth Wolkoff aka Ryan Bronz

5 minutes ago
Seth Wolkoff using the sock puppet account Ryan Bronz:
Ryan Bronz: Dr. Fagelman is the most caring doctor I have ever encountered in my 43 years on this planet . He is always there for his patients . I have called his office several times and he actually answered his own phone . I have needed a prescription on July 3 at 7 pm and he answered my call and called the pharmacy for me . He is there 100% for his patients. Every time I call or come into the office Delita is extremely helpful and professional. You must have really been an absolute jerk to incite her . They both are hard working, good people really get a life Suzanna . - Seth Wolkoff 

I pray to G-d you are served KARMA for you evil cruel abuse of me a patient. I have to ask if you are on any medications for mental illness to blame me for Delita Hooks a violent liar with so many People calling her out for her attitude problems who had no right to repeatedly violate my patient rights.  I filed a lawsuit against her for a million dollars and did not serve her to my regret but my goal is to sue Dr Fagelman in the year and a half I have left and you can testify on his behalf.  He is an evil man who is irresponsible to say the least to have such a violent liar on his staff at the front desk.  Shame on you and I won't be there to witness you getting your karma but you are an awful person as your comment proves blaming me for such a sick vicious unprofessional attack on a patient.  Under oath -- you and everyone defending the violence and lies can answer questions about this video and this false cross complaint. I pray all that lie are served Justice including KARMA which can be more effective than a system polluted by politics and favors.
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Dr Andrew Fagelman Soho Evil Creep Supports Repeated Violations of a Patients Rights and Body my opinion Proof He Did Not Fire Delita Hooks

Delita Hooks violent liar confident she can lie to the NYPD and the NYPD and Internal Affairs will protect that doctor's office like they get VIAGRA from the NYPD or something because Dr Andrew Fagelman did not fire the unprofessional violent liar so the NYPD sure did Dr Fagelman a favor didn't they?

Something is very wrong at that medical office and keeping her at the front desk is just proof.  Why did he hire her why does he keep her at the front desk despite the fact so many people have told me she has a huge attitude problem.  See her behavior in the video it was horrible before I started filming and when I couldn't get help I wanted to document her rude unprofessional  behavior so shocking and then when I start to film the camera goes black what you don't see is a 100 times worse than what you see and she got away with that kind of violence and lies thanks to Dr. Fagelman the New York Police Department and internal affairs.   Have a year and a half left to sue the doctor.  It would help if someone would be willing to testify under oath that he knew she was a walking timebomb.  I am suing the New York least apartment and internal affairs as well as the city.  

Thank you for helping me with 23,600 views.  Please continue to help me to expose dr. Andrew Fagelman in my opinion of file creep should not be allowed to practice medicine she doesn't understand basic right and wrong and allows of filing mine crazy woman to sit behind that reception desk with her big bad attitude and I was her ultimate scapegoat and Human Piñata.

Have permanent damage to my eyes and neck the worst insomnia yet of my life worse since September 11 which is unbelievable but this is really upsetting and PTS.  I have a jacket in the 9/11 museum but really what the police did to me is just yet another shocking abuse and also evil because there's right and they are wrong.   Besides violating my rights and my body this whole experience is beyond disturbing and shocking and where is just one decent human being in authority involving the medical community or legal community to take action?  She's going to have to hurt yet another person for someone to do the right thing and put her behind bars? Dr. Fagelman in my opinion is not ethical said like to know what he's up to and a spare time

  • 1.0 star rating
    No. No, NO NOOOO!!! Terrible experience. It's like a ghetto art gallery, complete with Beyoncé wannabe incompetent receptionists and hip hop music blaring in the background. I'm sick, I don't want to listen to Nelly or Lil Jon.

    I went in to see Dr F for a face rash, the receptionist insisted that she take my picture for their files as part of new patient registration. I explained that I was there for a rash on my face, asking to take my picture was a little insensitive. I refused to let her take my picture, she insisted explaining that it was for security purposes. I could hear her and her little posse of rap video trash in pink scrubs making fun of me as soon as I was out of sight.

    Dr F's assistant was great and very empathetic.

    Dr F is um... awkward.  I felt so uncomfortable around him. I got the sense that he had no clue what he was talking about. He just sat at his desk clicking around on his huge Apple computer.  I wanted to ask him if he was googling my symptoms!

    I could not get out of there fast enough, it wasn't pleasant. I don't expect a visit to the doctor to be a day at the beach, that said the receptionist had epic amounts of sand in her panties.
  • Funny 3

  • Dr Fagelman Delita Hooks Bad Review Want Patient's Photos Beyond Office Violence and Lies

    The  long closed off desk that Delita Hooks some call her "Delite" Delita Hooks came out from behind to continue her unprofessional violent tirade violating my patient rights repeatedly and then my body.  

    please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD and IAB thank you. 

    The NYPD an internal affairs fix crime in my opinion based on my own experience.

    I looked beautiful that day and I felt happy.  Note the amount of bags I was holding and one quite heavy with an iPad in the larger bag and I didn't know if she was going to rob me so I held on to my bags as she got away with a hate crime.

    The NYPD IAB sure did 
    lucky for Dr Fagelman that Delita Hooks was not arrested since he did not fire her.

    He never even asked my MD Dr Vine if I was okay.  All he did is allow Delita Hooks to go back to her long closed off reception desk where she is still sitting.

    The women in the video who yell no D don't do it never asked if I was okay and I was talking a lot about me and if this is an evil I don't know what is it's doctors office.  The New York police departments roll also evil.

    Dr Fagelman's patient Seth Wolkoff defends Delita Hooks repeatedly violation of my patient rights and my body and Dr F not firing the violent liar because Dr Fagelman has gone out of his way for him so I question has Dr Fagelman gone out of his way  for the NYPD and or Internal Affairs?  The case is open because I am suing so it wasn't as easy as it normal is for the NYPD to play judge and jury like this twisted patient in my opinion defending the indefensible but maybe Seth gives us a little insight to how the NYPD IAB work -- go out of your way for them and they will go out of their way for you like they did for Dr Fagelman because the NYPD and IAB did do Dr Andrew Fagelman a favor since he did not fire his violent lying receptionist office manager Delita Hooks.

    You know like Chief Dowd taking "gifts" from Verizon.  I am just trying to understand why the NYPD fixed this crime on behalf of the MD's office who they were clearly doing a favor since Delita Hooks is guilty of assault and a false cross complaint.

    Dear Internal Affairs:

    This guy Seth talks about how specially he's treated my question is how are the NYPD officers that see Dr. Fagelman  treated?  

    My best guess is there's fixing in favors.

    Besides retaliating against me for being a whistle blower my best guess Dr F made phone calls.  

    Apparently I'm considered so obnoxious that it's okay to beat me.  Read Seth's comment.  

    Like the early stages in Nazi Germany or down south during apartheid but if I was Black I'm not even allowed to get in the back of the bus. 

    Internal affairs did their job not at this would be going on is the NYPD an internal affairs fault that I continue to be harassed because they have not called for my tacker to be arrested and the cop that threatened me and coerced me.
    Thanks and gratitude for making a difference.  
    please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD and IAB thank you. 

    The NYPD an internal affairs fix crime in my opinion based on my own experience.

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