Friday, November 15, 2013

CityTime Crime Update SAIC Carl Bell Preet Bharara True or Dare

Is there evidence that Carl Bell lied under oath at another proceeding?

 Its for you to decide if this witness should be believed? yikes that is news to the street....according to court reports.  

What about Joel Bondy and did he lie under oath when he testified in front of City Council because in my opinion he and his NYC gov big bosses guilty and all Teflon?

Like Mike testilying during the Haggerty trial but this time Teflon Mike does not have to face a grilling under Gerald Shargel who would have confronted him on 911 Tech Corruption and a one billion dollar  plus over run

What about SAIC top officials and their auditors?  Even Bill Thompson comes off looking really bad and in my opinion ditto for Rose Gill Hearn but she, Mike, Mark Page, Joel Bondy etc Teflon.

What about Jelly Bean -- who is Jelly Bean --- I heard a rumor of what his real name is…..


What about Sal Salamone, Peter Powers and the rest of Rudy's guys turned lobbyists because Rudy is the man that gave us this CityTime and SAIC a tax payer's Titanic and Shargel should be giving him hell on the witness stand because in my opinion there was a whole lot of stealing going on pre Denault and across the boards in my opinion on Tech Contracts and even consultants over billing us….

lucky no one cares in the media to go after that for some reason….

can we get a forensic audit on 311 hardee hear har

CityTime Crime Update SAIC Carl Bell  Preet Bharara True or Dare